Plant diseases pose a significant challenge to agricultural development as they affect crops both before and after harvest. The etiology, identification, and studies focused on plant disease resistance are of great importance for the development of phytosanitary measures that enhance the competitiveness of Brazilian agriculture in general and the irrigated fruit and vegetable production hubs in the Northeast in particular. Research conducted under the Graduate Program in Phytopathology (PPGF) prioritizes plant diseases in economically strategic crops for the region's development. This region is known for its production of tropical fruits, vegetables, and tuberous plants. These studies fall within two research lines of PPGF: "Biology, ecology, and taxonomy of phytopathogens" and "Epidemiology and management of plant diseases," which are highly active areas with numerous articles and patent applications generated by the program in recent years. The excellence of this project is characterized by the consistency of scientific proposals.
In this context, PPGF has demonstrated a high-quality intellectual output, reflected in the faculty's curriculum vitae, along with the training of students to engage in technical and scientific activities in educational, research, extension, and regulatory institutions, as well as in public and private sector companies at regional, national, and international levels. PPGF boasts faculty members who are experts in various fields of phytopathology, with established research groups in areas such as phytopathogenic fungi, phytopathogenic bacteria, phytonematology, phytopathogenic virology, plant disease resistance, and plant disease epidemiology, all of which align with the program's goals. The Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) has greenhouse facilities, a molecular phytopathology laboratory, and laboratories for mycology, phytopathogenic bacteria, phytopathogenic virology, and phytonematology, all located within the Department of Agronomy.
The proposal has a transformative character given the novelty of the research that will be developed. Overall, the projects undertaken by PPGF provide a broader perspective on disease management in different agronomically important crop management systems, leading to the establishment of new, more efficient, and environmentally friendly strategies.
The project "Phytosanitary Clinic: an advanced diagnostic platform for the agricultural sector of the state of Pernambuco (CLIFIPE)," funded by FACEPE, had the following objectives: i) establish a reference phytosanitary clinic for diagnosing phytopathogens and identifying plant pests to assist producers in the Northeast region; and ii) support research, teaching, and extension activities to contribute to the development of agriculture in the state of Pernambuco and other Brazilian states. CLIFIPE, located in the Phytosanitary Area/Department of Agronomy at UFRPE, is coordinated by faculty members from the Graduate Programs in Phytopathology (PPGF) and Entomology (PPGE), with the participation of technicians and students (undergraduate and graduate).