Graduate Program in Phytopathology at UFRPE

The Graduate Program in Phytopathology develops its activities in the Otávio Gomes Building (Phytosanitary), on the Headquarters Campus, Department of Agronomy at UFRPE, where it has a Secretariat, Auditorium, Classroom, Study Room, Rooms for professors and students, Meeting room and phytosanitary clinic (CLIFIPE).


Soil Fungi
Plant Disease Epidemiology
Plant Resistance
Postharvest Pathology
Molecular Analysis 

Center for Research Support (CENAPESQ)

In addition to its own laboratory facilities, the faculty and students of the Program have access to the UFRPE Research Support Center (CENAPESQ). This facility holds equipment as liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass spectrometer, lyophilizers, scanning electron microscope coupled with microanalysis (SEM-EDS), among others, that complement the analytical capabilities for the development of our dissertations and theses.

The Program also has the support of vehicles for field research, access to the CAPES Journal Portal and COMUT (Central Library).